
Rome total war urban cohort
Rome total war urban cohort

rome total war urban cohort

The Indian government has claimed that the report uses faulty methodology and inaccurate rankings based on inaccurate data. India’s score in 2021, therefore, can be directly compared with its GHI scores for 2000, 20. In order to track a country’s performance over time, the report carries the data for three reference years for each country. Data were drawn from the United Nations and other multilateral agencies to compute scores and a uniform standard was applied to ensure comparability. The report states that the ranking is based on the Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU) data between 20 and not anything that has happened in 2021. At 17.3 per cent (up from 17.1 per cent in 1998-99), India has the highest rate of wasting. China and Cuba are among the first 18 countries, among whom the differences in score are minimal. India’s rank of 101 places it behind Pakistan (92), Sri Lanka (65), and Bangladesh and Nepal (76 each). For 19 countries, individual scores could not be calculated and ranks could not be determined because of lack of data.

rome total war urban cohort

The report accessed data for 135 countries but could find sufficient data for only 116 of them. The 2021 report says 15.3 per cent of the Indian population is undernourished, 34.7 per cent of children under five are stunted and 3.4 per cent die before their fifth birthday. There are four parameters for the rankings and scores-prevalence of undernourishment in the general population, child mortality, child wasting (low weight for height among children under five denoting acute malnutrition) and child stunting, which includes children under five with a low height for their age denoting chronic undernutrition. The Global Hunger Index report, published by two humanitarian and private aid organisations, Concern Worldwide and Welt Hunger Hilfe, came into existence in 2000. The scores are categorised as low, moderate, serious, alarming and extremely alarming. THE Narendra Modi government has rubbished a global report on hunger that describes India’s level of hunger as “serious” and rates the country, at 101, below its South Asian neighbours in the global rankings.

Rome total war urban cohort